Must Read Articles
Articles are not listed in any particular order. All are recommended for an improved understanding of the topic.
The Digital Maginot LineRenee DiResta
28 November 2018 Ribbon Farm This is excellent. It is a great companion to Peter W. Singer's book LikeWar: The Weaponization of Social Media*. Though I disagree with the author's reading of the Maginot Line, I think the warnings are truly important. Please read. Beyond “Social Contagion”: Associative Diffusion and the Emergence of Cultural VariationAmir Goldberg, Sarah K. Stein
American Sociological Review September 2018 This is a dense read, but it is useful for those looking seriously at the source of cultural differentiation amongst people. Excellent support for the narrative landscape expression of culture. In one way, the authors express that people are inclined to accept culturally changing events and experiences that coincide with their previous inclinations. Using the narrative landscape model, people are inclined to go in a direction of least resistance or an object is inclined to roll downhill. Al Qaeda WonStephen Marche
Foreign Policy 10 September 2018 Absolutely outstanding think piece! Please read. This is the article I wish I had written. Though the article calls it something different, he is expressing the core power of what I call maneuver in the narrative space or what others call narrative war. A Five-Point Strategy to Oppose Russian Narrative Warfare
Paul Cobaugh
Medium April 2018 This is a fantastic discussion on the importance of narrative. The article also includes practical approaches for being more successful with narrative. Great job! War Goes Viral: How Social Media is Being Weaponized Across the WorldEmerson T. Brooking and P.W. Singer
The Atlantic November 2016 Issue As stated elsewhere in work on Maneuver in the Narrative Space, social media is a tool that both promotes and distorts narrative. This article explores the function of social media in conflict and the role social media is playing in redefining conflict. It will cause readers to reassess their understanding of the world. I am a big fan of P.W. Singer and strongly recommend reading anything written by him. Memetic Warfare - Part I: It's Time to Embrace Memetic WarfareJeff Giersea
Open Perspectives Exchange Network NATO Strategic Communication Center of Excellence - Riga, Latvia Volume 1, Number 5, Spring 2017 Together with Part II, this article offers critical insight into understanding an important component of Maneuver in the Narrative Space (MiTNS). The author is explains and advocates for the use of social media as a tool in the current conflict environment. Memetic Warfare - Part II: Hacking Hearts and Minds: How Memetic Warfare is Transforming CyberwarJeff Giersea
Open Perspectives Exchange Network NATO Strategic Communication Center of Excellence - Riga, Latvia Volume 1, Number 5, Spring 2017 Together with Part I, this article offers critical insight into understanding an important component of Maneuver in the Narrative Space (MiTNS). The author is explains and advocates for the use of social media as a tool in the current conflict environment. Narrative: The Critical Component of Counter-Terrorism StrategyAjit Maan
Small Wars Journal 14 July 2015 In this short, yet brilliantly written explanation of the value of narrative Ajit Maan offers the best suggested narrative for the fight at hand. Information at War: From China's Three Warfares to NATO's Narrative
Peter Pomerantsev, Laura Jackson, Timothy Thomas, Mark Laity, and Ben Nimmo
Legatum Institute Beyond Propaganda September 2015 This is one of the best articles dealing with narrative across two non-Middle Eastern conflict zones. In this article are several great resources from Chinese and Russian thought. Challenging the Narrative of the "Islamic State"Alex P. Schmid
International Centre for Counter-Terrorism – The Hague ICCT Research Paper June 2015 This is an excellent challenge to the ISIS narrative. The author both explains a series of ISIS claims and then proposes ways to oppose those claims. I am not a fan of counter-narrative and the author expresses that though that is what he is proposing that counter-narrative is an inherently weak way to garner global support. The return of Khilafah: The constitutive narratives of DaeshTheron Verdon
Defence Strategic Communications NATO Strategic Communication Center of Excellence - Riga, Latvia Volume 1, Number 1, Winter 2015 This is probably the best article on narrative I have yet read. It provides a powerful discussion of the topic of narrative in general and how ISIS uses narrative. What I Learned from Reading the Islamic State's Propaganda Instruction ManualCharlie Winter
Lawfare 2 April 2017 This is an excellent and brief summary of the ISIS vision of the use of media as a weapon. |